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What’s Happening

PPP October Week 1

09/27/17 Zimmerman Elementary

Tony’s Tours

Bonnie Douglas Meets With OES Power Patrol

05/09/17 Otsego Elementary

Our kitchen rocks at saving energy!

Follow the Shutdown Checklist!

05/08/17 Rogers Elementary

Are you ready for the break?


05/05/17 Zimmerman Elementary

Types of Energy

What can you do to Recycle, Reduce, Reuse or Repurpose?

05/04/17 Zimmerman Elementary

What will inspire you to take action?

Why Should I Save Energy?

05/04/17 Zimmerman Elementary

Read by Vinnie!

Earth Day

04/26/17 Salk Middle

Homerooms creatively designed and decorated classroom doors to honor Earth Day!

Energy Slogan Winner!

04/18/17 Salk Middle

Students brainstormed slogans, and then voted for Salk’s 1st Annual Energy Slogan!

Take Action!

03/28/17 Zimmerman Elementary

Here’s how you can take action at home!

Geothermal Energy at OES 03/10/2017

03/17/17 Otsego Elementary

Our 4th Grade Power Patrol Researched the School’s Heating System and Interviewed Mr. Weber